Wystawa Aktu „VENUS FOTO”
Łyse Plenery Partie IV i V
Galerie ZPAF Oddział Śląski w Katowicach
Katowice, ul. Dąbrowskiego 2

ZPAF Okręg Śląski invites you to the collective photography exhibition “Venus Foto”. The exhibition can be viewed until March 1, 2024. The exhibition is intended for people over 16 years of age. Free entrance.

VENUS FOTO is a collective photographic exhibition of nudes and portraits, referring to the perception of the beauty of the female body, it is also a way of sensing and aesthetics of photography. The exhibition that you can see is the result of meetings between photographers from Poland and the Czech Republic dealing with the issue of the female nude. The meetings are held annually as part of the Łyse Open Air Festival in Lower Silesia. This is a reference to a certain history of nude photography, which developed very intensively in Lower Silesia in the 1980s, and more precisely in Książ Castle. Probably the largest open-air nude photography sessions in Europe took place there, initiated by Andrzej Protasiuk. The result of these meetings were open-air exhibitions organized in Świdnica.