Photo by Jiri Akir - Venus Foto - Łyse Plenery

Jiří Akir

Permanent amateur who takes pictures as and when he wants, mostly of the prettier half of humanity.

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photo by Ryszard Błażyński - Venus Foto - Łyse Plenery

Ryszard Błażyński

Na pytanie dlaczego fotografuję?, odpowiem przewrotnie „Człowiek musi jeść, pić i ubierać się; reszta jest szaleństwem” Stanisław Lem, Powrót z gwiazd.

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photo by Karolina Migurska - Venus Foto - Łyse Plenery

Karolina Migurska

I love working with people and observing them through photography. The body shows what we feel but cannot name.

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photo by Marek Juras - Venus Foto - Łyse Plenery

Marek Juras

He believes that the best works are created by combining deliberate intent with the magic of the unintended.

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Photo by Karel Ševčík - Venus Foto - Łyse Plenery

Karel Ševčík

Karel recently deals with the most intense shooting portraits, nude and especially conceptual portraits.

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photo by Akki - Venus Foto (Photo) 2024

Arek Akki

Searching for anonymity, disturbed relationships with the environment, problems with self-identification, self-aggression, searching for personality, loneliness, emotional instability, alienation.

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photo by Piotr Chabior - Venus Foto (Photo)

Piotr Chabior

In his creative work he looks for ephemeral light and shadows. He follows minimalism in order to highlight the beauty of the shapes of the photographed body.

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photo by Dawid Ciepiela - Venus Foto - Łyse Plenery

Dawid Ciepiela

Most interest in portraits, nudes and historical photographic techniques. And likes minimalism, clean frames, contrasting light.

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photo by Andrzej Protasiuk - Venus Foto - Łyse Plenery

Andrzej Protasiuk

The originator and organizer of the “Days of Photography” in Świdnica and the National Photographic Open-Air Workshops of the Act „Zamek Książ”

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photo by Michał Sieradzan - Venus Foto - Łyse Plenery

Michał Sieradzan

Michał likes to extract from the shadows mere traces, something that was and only thanks to luck can it be known, even partially, preserved.

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photo by Robert Rzepiński - Venus Foto - Łyse Plenery

Robert Rzepiński

My motto: “My photography is about the people I meet, fulfilling my dreams of escaping this world and creating my own.”

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photo by Ewa Ożdżyńska- Venus Foto - Łyse Plenery

Ewa Ożdżyńska

She follows the need to register, to record, as it were, her thoughts and her own emotions. Photography has become a medium of expression, from landscape and reportage photos to portrait and nude photography.

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photo by Wojtek Igor Kolawa - Venus Foto - Łyse Plenery

Wojtek Igor Kolawa

In my photographs I try to show things the way only the lens can. Lens can see things that we will rather not notice with our eyes.

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photo by Olga Stranikova - Venus Foto (Photo) 2024

Olga Stráníková

I wish I could capture the secret, the mystery of our being. Beauty and ugliness, joy and sadness, meaning and meaninglessness. Happiness and pain.

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photo by Jan Mlčoch - Venus Foto - Łyse Plenery

Jan Mlčoch

Jan often experiments with light painting, a photographic technique using very long exposure times and working with light.

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